Show Some Spirit! FAU organizations coming together to celebrate annual Homecoming parade
With FAU’s Annual Homecoming parade coming up on Nov.1, the FAU homecoming committee tells about the history of the FAU Homecoming parade, what is to be expected from this year’s parade, and why students should get in the spirit for Homecoming week!
As Nov. 1 rapidly approaches, students and organizations alike are preparing for the assembly of school spirit and closeness that surrounds the Homecoming game against the University of Alabama-Birmingham Blazers and the 8th annual FAU Homecoming parade.
Although details and preparations for the parade are still underway, many exciting aspects of the parade are ready to be given.
The parade is still under development, but many councils are poised to be involved, including the school’s sororities, fraternities, and even student government. It is slotted to begin at Lot 12 and end after going around the FAU Stadium.
Different school organizations are planning to be involved as well, but there are no confirmations at this time since applications are not due until Oct. 16.

The parade is also a time of opportunity for FAU. The Homecoming Committee is taking steps to involve high schools like Boynton Beach Community High School, North Miami Beach Senior High School, Stranaham High School and the Achievement Center for children and families, a non-profit organization. The reason for this is to “make sure FAU is out and about in South Florida life and also building tradition as a school,” said Demagio Mansell, Homecoming assistant director.
In addition to building tradition and exposure in South Florida by involving schools around the area, they are also building internal school tradition by moving the parade to be part of the Homecoming game celebrations.
“It was originally not scheduled to be done on the Homecoming game day, but it was decided to change it to better benefit school tradition, since it had never been done before,” said Mansell.
Looking back at last year’s homecoming parade, it was not as successful as the Homecoming Committee would have hoped. Officials are hopeful that the parade will not be rained out once again.

Mansell explained, “It was a stressful experience last year, but we have learned from it and know how to move forward.”
Turnout from the students is also an important aspect of the Homecoming parade, and the Homecoming Committee is expecting a larger turnout this year.
“Attendance wasn’t where we wanted it to be last year,” said Mansell, “but we are expecting a major turn out this year.”