“The Legend of GWAR began millions of years ago when the aliens rampaged across the galaxy with a gang of space pirates called the Scumdogs of the Universe.” Or so begins the thrash/metal/punk band’s biography on their website.
Better known for their wild and messy stage antics than their music, GWAR, an acronym for “God What a Racket”, is a theatrical experience when performing live shows. The band originated in Richmond, Virginia around 1988 and is actually made up of a collective of art school students. Going by bizarre names such as Oderus Urungus and Beefcake the Mighty, the members dress up on stage using papier machí© and masks. They stick to a strange storyline about being aliens from outer space who not only mated with monkeys to create mankind, but now are hell-bent on destroying the people of earth.
This plot is supported by outrageous actions on stage, including the wielding of blood-splattered torture implements (including a “human meat grinder” in which fans are thrown in by the band and come out looking something like strawberry jelly) and occasionally shocking feats performed by “Slimenstra Hymen,” who holds the world’s record for fire breathing (for both distance and length of time) and for human endurance of high-voltage electricity.
In addition to the stage antics, the alien storyline is also supported by the music. Loud and brash, the lyrics focus on GWAR’s desire to kill and maim mankind. Although the songs lose their “oomph” when not accompanied by a live performance, when the band is on stage, the music fits their actions perfectly – whether those actions are slicing up rubber humans who squirt out blood or throwing vanilla colored “poop” at audience members who only beg for more.
GWAR shows are not for the faint of heart or those with a weak stomach. The band was taken to court a couple of years ago for allegedly using a penis as a stage prop – although GWAR insists it was actually some type of fish.
Described as “metal opera at its goriest”, the performances are meant to disgust as much as entertain. The best description I can come up with for GWAR is pro wrestling meets Ozzy Osbourne on a bus, then crashes down a mountainous terrain, with blood, destruction, and an old-fashioned good time ensuing.
GWAR will be coming to Orbit Nightclub in Boynton Beach on Wednesday, January 23rd. If you feel up to the challenge of attending the show, be sure to wear something old that you are willing to part with afterwards, because faux blood is always splattered all over the audience – and that’s if you are lucky enough to avoid being thrown into the meat grinder.
To get to Orbit from, take I-95 N to Woolbright East to Federal Hwy/US 1. Go South on Federal Hwy/US 1 about 1.5 miles to Gulfstream Mall. Orbit will be on your right and sits in the back corner. Tickets for the GWAR show are $13 and all ages are welcome. For additional information, call Orbit Nightclub at 561-737-2199.