I’ve heard all the rhetoric about Valentine’s Day, about it being commercial and just another way for card companies to make more money. Screw that. I like Valentine’s Day.
All holidays nowadays are commercial.
Geez, look at Mother’s Day. Are you telling me that it hasn’t been exploited and that Hallmark didn’t have anything to do with its popularity? But are you going to stop sending your mother a card on Mother’s Day as a way of showing defiance against the greeting card industry? I don’t think so. So why does Valentine’s Day get such a bad rep?
I just can’t see a problem with taking a day away to celebrate how cool it is to have someone you care about, and to give them a card (or chocolates or flowers) just to let them know that. Also, I don’t think of Valentine’s Day as an obligation. Instead, I look at it as an opportunity to tell someone, “I love you”.
With the frenzied and chaotic way the world is right now, I appreciate that opportunity.