On Sept. 6th, the FAU Fighting Owls had their first home game of the season. Although they didn’t win, SG had a very successful first game.
It started with the tailgate party that was sponsored by Sigma Phi Epsilon and Beta Chi Omega. They co-sponsored the tailgate party with SG to make a bigger and better tailgate. It was a great success.
Next was the tuition reimbursement drawing. Although only 80 students signed up, which was not as good as last year, we hopped around problems to still make this drawing a successful one. The wireless microphone was broken, so we had to radio the names from the field up to the box for the announcer to announce the names. Although the papers were wet, two winners were announced. We will be doing this every home game, so stay tuned.
Halftime was cancelled, but the prOWLers got their 3 minutes of fame. Because the t-shirt gun broke, we were only able to get off one solid shot. We are sending it back; and hopefully it will be fixed when we get it back.
For many of the prOWLers, it was the very first time they had been to an FAU event. They were wet from the rain, hot from the sun, but they had more fun then ever before. I would like to send out a special thank you to the prOWLers who worked very hard advertising and helping with the game. Thanks gang!!
The student tailgates are going to be bigger then last weeks’; don’t worry. Hopefully we can mix up the food choice a little bit, and maybe even buy some water. We also need more students to sign up for the tuition reimbursement drawing. Sign up at the front table throughout the first quarter of every home game. And as I mentioned before, the prOWLer t-shirt launch will hopefully be better then the last one.
T-Shirt Gun
The T-shirt gun was purchased for $1,550.00. It can shoot as little as 25 feet or as far as 200+ feet. We bought it to help increase the spirit at the games. The launcher is powered by a 9 volt battery and a CO2 tank which broke after the first shot. We fixed it temporary in hope that it would work for the game. We fixed the gun with 17 seconds left before we went on the field to watch it break once again, this time while we were shooting. We thought we fixed it for the half time show but once again the gun proved us wrong. It once again decided to break, this time it was the o-ring, so we all screamed out “we’re taking it back!” So as you are reading this article, it is in South Carolina getting fixed. We are looking forward to having it for our next game.
That’s all for now. And remember: Although $mitty is spelled with a dollar sign; Student Government using you’re A & S Fess to give you free stuff, MAKES CENTS.
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