Dear UP Editor,
In response to President Brogan’s letter regarding corporate branding as essential to FAU’s future and the viability of FAU being competitive in the economy. Is FAU’s bottom line directly tied to its corporate identity? Where does tuition play a role in this vision of the bottom line? Would potential applicants go to FSU instead of FAU simply because they have consistent colors and an Indian? Do parents really consider these facts when completing the state application process? Do potential researchers really choose where they will work based upon the corporate identity of a University? Are FAU employees disgruntled that their shirt does not have the same exact logo as another employee on a different campus?
Well, if this is the case and there are many inconsistencies in the “branding” process, it would seem that to be more “economically viable” we need to identify what areas of the FAU identity are not consistent with what is currently being used the most often. Identified in this way, you could then examine the disparity between logos and make a determination as to what inconsistency you would like to address. Subsequently, you would only need to change the smaller proportion to match what is in use on a wider basis rather than revamping the entire logo and color scheme, thus saving money in a “challenging economy” and allowing us all to move on with our lives. This solution seems to me a reasonable and economically sound argument.
If, in fact, the solution chosen is one in which we are to redesign the identity which has been in use, although inconsistently, for 20 years, then we must examine what the functions of this institution really are. Are we a simple tool of industry, where the bottom-line is profit instead of knowledge? Are we a football team first and a university second? What then separates the “university” from the “corporation”? May I purchase a share of FAU from my broker? Should we change the name to Florida Pepsi University? This would obviously help the bottom line but I fail to see how this helps university’s primary goal of education.
It could also be said from President Brogan’s argument that a new identity would somehow be able to turn back the clock and change past inconsistencies. Are we to select a team of eager students to patrol the parking lot in search of outdated bumper stickers and parking decals and report the offenders? Would the Scripps research facility also be working on a time-machine to change past t-shirts? Oops, I hope I didn’t let the cat out of the bag, but I would like to be sent back to 1960 if they are.
Alfred RiegerJunior, Political Science