I recently wrote an article stating not to vote without knowing the issues, and I meant it. Then I realized most of you were probably thinking, “What are the issues?”
Some of you may even be wondering who the candidates are; and if you are one those, do not vote. So let me spell some of the issues out for those of you who cannot take 15 minutes out of your web-surfing time to look up the issues.
There’s John Kerry; hopefully you know he is the democratic candidate (if you didn’t, don’t vote). He repeatedly states how he served in Vietnam, like that should be the main reason we would vote for him.
Perhaps it’s supposed to just remind us that George W. Bush (that’s the other candidate; Republican and our current president) not only somehow escaped serving our country in Vietnam, but that his service in the National Guard is a bit questionable.
Any of that have to deal with 2004? Nope. Kerry is anti-Iraq war 75 percent of the time. That’s right, 75 percent of the time. Forget Bush picking some decisive fault in Kerry’s plan; no, instead Bush does not let it slide that Kerry hasn’t had a definite stand on Iraq from the beginning. The beginning being since 9-11, before we were involved with Iraq and we were a nation confused. Bush’s main phrase against Kerry is (don’t expect anything too smart now): “Kerry is a flip-flopper.”
But to tell you the truth, though the main topic of this election seems to be Iraq, I think the candidates need to shut up and talk about the issues that face us right here on this continent.
You have to actually go on www.JohnKerry.com to see that Kerry would like to use less money for the war that was falsely started (no weapons of mass destruction) and use that to better our economy. How? Kerry plans to cut middle-class taxes to raise the middle-class incomes.
This is actually smart because Americans are working harder and longer hours, earning less, and paying more for healthcare, college, and basic needs like electricity. Kerry also states he will create tax cuts for businesses that create jobs here instead of overseas.
Too bad that’s an idea that will involve a world-wide struggle against globalization and is easier said than done. But at least Kerry noticed that Americans are unemployed more than ever for the first time in the last seventy-five years. That’s right, Bush has concentrated so much in Iraq, he forgot to notice people are losing their livelihood.
What is Bush’s plan for the economy? www.Agendaforamerica.com states that it is spending $500 million in public and community colleges to train new workers. Now shouldn’t that be under education reform? And once you have all those educated and skilled workers, where are they going to work, without jobs available?
On to education: who gets what needs to be done in our public schools? Bush has really been enforcing his No Child Left Behind Act. It promotes literacy and excellence in pre-schools, elementary schools and high schools. So Bush plans to give millions to community colleges and the little kids. Don’t we college students deserve something besides knowing our school will have more money? Kerry, on the other hand, actually thinks about us. Kerry has devised a plan that will give aid to states that keep tuition costs low; as in less money for us university students to pay. Plus Kerry still wants to enforce the highly needed No Child Left Behind Act.
Then there are the common issues of healthcare, national security (not Iraq), taxes, homeland security and the environment. And, of course, more on the “big” issue of Iraq, Iraq, Iraq. But if you need me to outline the pros and cons of each issue and each candidate because you’re still too lazy to research what the future may hold for you in the next four years, I don’t want you voting.
As I stated before, don’t vote if you cannot take 15 minutes out of your web-surfing time to look up what the candidates have in their plans. Don’t vote if the only reason you are voting is because the media has told you to. Don’t vote if you plan on voting for whichever candidate has the cooler commercial. Don’t vote if you are voting exactly what your mom, dad or spouse plan to vote, without reason. Don’t know the all the issues? Don’t vote!