We can spend all day spouting off facts and shoving numbers (GPA, most parties, the hottest hotties) in your face, but the Greeks here at FAU prefer to let you figure it out for yourself. Well, since you’ve already decided to go school here, let us first offer you our condolences and here’s to wishing you the utmost success in your first semester here at FAU.
For those of you that have gotten this far, you’re probably interested in Greek Life, right? Now I hope you’re prepared to get naked in front of strangers, throw away all your morals, have unprotected sex and begin the lifelong journey to earning minimum wage and hating your life. Because if you are…then PBCC is right down the road. We’re terribly upset if we got your hopes up, but the Greeks here at FAU don’t believe in throwing away your future, we believe in something else. BEER!
Hmmm, still not interested in ‘paying for your friends’? Unfortunately, you still seem a little skeptic, so I guess you’re just not meant for us. Before you leave…you should at least know some things about Greek Life here on campus. Tell you what non-believer, how about a quick ‘top ten’ list to take with you on your trip to the far off land of Loserville, population…you.
As Greeks, we understand that you might just want to be ‘one of the herd’ and that’s ok…just ‘mooooo-ve’ over when FAU’s best and brightest are coming through. You’ve heard the saying “Lead, follow or get of the way,” right? Well get ready to meet the people who don’t believe in following or getting out of the way. Greek Life is interwoven into the very fabric of FAU’s operating matrix. Student Government, Housing, Athletics, Programming & Entertainment, Administration and Campus Recreation are just a few of the veins at FAU through which Greek Life surges through. Even the locality of Boca Raton does not go without its semester’s worth of community service from FAU’s Greeks.
We Greeks know that your first couple weeks of classes here at FAU will be met with time consuming workloads, lackluster lectures and overall catharsis of chaos. During classes, study breaks or even while you’re chowing down the occasional nugget of nutrition served up by Chartwells be sure to take a look around. Notice who sticks out and who doesn’t, notice who the leaders are, keep an eye out for the people who bring ‘class’ to class.
1. All the disgustingly good looking people you’ve seen on campus are Greek.
2. Nation Lampoon’s is not exactly US News & World Report.
3. Anyone and everyone that you will need to know on a daily basis are Greeks.
4. Don’t like the mutant-roommate ‘Housing’ paired you with? Your ‘RA’ could help ?you out…most of them are Greeks.
5. If ‘Papa John’s’ and internet porn have got you down, then check out the Breezeway and hit up the Greek tables during RUSHWEEK.
6. Maybe that ‘perfect’ schedule you picked is not so perfect and your professor is too but to help you…ask your ‘TA’ for help – odds are they’re Greek too.
7. Suffer from Xylophobia (fear of wooden objects) FAU is a ‘NO HAZING’ university.
8. Career driven? 80% of all U.S. Presidents were Greek.
9. As for ‘buying your friends’…”we don’t think we’re paying enough!
10. “Van Wilder wasn’t Greek, why should I be?” Actors Ryan Reynolds and Tara Reid are much prettier than you.