Campaigning for the SG elections is now officially underway, with the first presidential debate set to happen on Thursday March 22 at 8 p.m. in the senate chambers of the Boca campus.
The debate will feature all three presidential candidates: Jeff Joyner, Jared Torres, and Tony Teixeira as well as their respective vice-presidential running mates: Christopher Ficarra, Rocky Joarder and Abraham Cohen.
Each presidential and vice presidential candidate will have 10 minutes and 7 minutes respectively to deliver speeches relating to their platforms and planned initiatives. Following this, the candidates will individually field questions from their opponents and student participants for a period of no longer than 20 minutes.
Greg Lefkin, elections commissioner, will be moderating the debate, but will not be directly questioning any of the candidates. This, according to Lefkin, is the job of the students.
The event will also include the Boca governor’s debate between Janna Fowler and Matthew Jarrett.
The gubernatorial debate is structured so that each candidate will have 10 minutes to give a speech similar to that of the presidential candidates. Following each individual speech, there will be an additional 10 minutes of questioning, both from the audience and from the opponent.
There will be no transportation available from other campuses to the debates, because the presidential candidates will debate and/or appear on each campus individually. They have already held meet and greets on the Jupiter and Port St. Lucie campuses.
There will be free food at the event, which is not expected to last any longer than two-three hours. The debate will also be filmed by OWLTV for broadcast in the dormitories.
Keep checking our site for continued updates on the SG races of all campuses