The latest episode of “Housewives” depicts a desperate mom, Lynette Scavo, who has lost all communication lines with her teenage son. And in a creepy effort to get him back, she poses as a young girl from a neighboring high school on “Silver Fish,” which is the “Desperate Housewives” version of MySpace – just different enough not to get sued.
During her undercover stint as a teenage girl, she and her son begin exchanging poetry and fall into an online relationship – viewers everywhere were screaming “eww!”
In the end, she gets caught because she signs the break-up letter with “Love mom.” Poor teenage Scavo will be in therapy for years. But this weird plot line did enable one of the best quotes of the episode: “What are you going to tell him when you break it off, you want to see other offspring?” courtesy of Tom Scavo.
The Mike/Susan drama has been resurrected from the dead, and died one more time, as the writers of the show hope that viewers will still care if there’s any chemistry between them during a few cheesy scenes in this episode. Maybe one of them will die and we won’t have to endure another painful season of these two.
Also, there’s still no sign of Julie Mayer – wonder how her life has changed in the past five years.
Desperate Housewives airs on ABC Sundays at 9 p.m., but catch up anytime on