Remember when the University Press started doing those crazy top-10 lists? Well this time, we’re giving you 10 of them — all at once.
Every Friday the staff and I would compile a list of whatever crazy, silly, stupid or philosophical topic was on our minds and deliver our list to you each week. Since summer is now here, we’ve come up with what we believe are the best ways to relieve the feared summer doldrums.
In this top-10 special issue, you’ll find lists that map out the best places to go in Florida: beaches, bars and vacation spots. But this issue’s not just about getting you on your feet. We’ve got more lists for movies, books and video games.
There is so much to do on this list of lists that if you wanted to do it all you would probably spend an insane amount of money and have to watch your possessions get repossessed…so don’t do that.
Bottom line: There are enough options here to keep you busy for the entire summer break. So get comfy in your lounge chair and top off that cool iced tea. Here’s the UP’s top-10 guide to summer: