Starting Oct. 10, FAU campus rec is offering a six week course that promises to teach students the basics of swimming.
The class will be held every Monday and Wednesday from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. The class costs $40 for students for the six week cycle.
Since spring of last year, the course has been taught by Christian Cabrera, a senior English major, who has been a lifeguard since high school.
“We live in Florida, we’re surrounded by water,” said Cabrera about why he teaches the class. “And even if you weren’t surrounded by water, water’s one of those things that’s really enjoyable, and it sucks when you can’t enjoy that part of life. That’s really what I try to offer.”
According to Cabrera, the class is meant for students and he’s even taught professors, some older than 40, how to swim.
“It really is never too late,” said Cabrera, “and it’s shocking how many people don’t [know] how to swim, [even] adults. You don’t want to be that person who’s just sitting there looking at everyone. It’s awesome when you go in the water with some confidence.”
To sign up, students should go to the membership office in the FAU Rec Center or call (561)-297-0591.