Edit: On March 7, a day after this article came out, FAU OwlTV took down its entire Twitter account and started a new one: @FAU_OwlTV. Owl TV, Student Government and FAU officials refused to be interviewed about why the Twitter account went down.
OwlTV Station Manager AJ Jordat may have violated four laws in a series of four February tweets, according to a lawyer. And it seems that no one knows this because no one’s doing anything about it.
The tweets started off with a picture of a girl, framed neck-to-knees, sporting black lingerie and nothing else. They were posted on @FAUOwlTV’s Twitter. Jordat said he used the photo ”because we were promoting a new show called Sex and the University.” The “we” being FAU OwlTV, the university’s student television station. ”The tweet does imply that it’s a sexting photo because it was plugging the first episode,” Jordat said.
This first episode aired on March 5, and focused on the dangers of sexting, according to Jordat. The text of the Feb. 16 tweet: [These “Spanish girls love me like I’m on Twitter” – she didn’t get the memo
that sexting is dangerous; at least no face], then there’s a link to the photo. (See photo for the rest of the tweets).
The girl in the photo — who requested to stay anonymous — claimed that Jordat promised her no one would see the photo other than him.
“[Jordat] told me he wanted to make me a ‘Hooter Hottie of the Week.’ He said I’d have to come in and audition,” she wrote in a Feb. 18 email to Associate Dean of Students Terry Mena. “I didn’t want to, and asked if I could just send him a photo. He said I could, and promised he’d be the only one to see it.”
Jordat denies these claims, saying she was applying to Hooter Hottie of the Week, a T and A program from OwlTV in which various girls are showcased as hotties, and therefore the photo was open to re-use by the station. But she didn’t sign a release, nor was she told about these reproduction policies, nor does it say anything about them on the station’s site. It’s implied, Jordat said, so these disclosures aren’t necessary.
Yeah, that’s what he said.
Unlawful behavior
First, according to Student Press Law Center lawyer Adam Goldstein, there’s a “false light issue.” In Florida, it’s simply called libel. It’s when someone may use true facts to give a false impression. To be clear, Goldstein does not say with certainty whether something is legal or not. He will advise based on what he’s told, in this case, by me.
“This picture is held up as a warning against sexting. But this wasn’t sexting, it was somebody submitting a photograph into a contest,” he said. “It creates the impression that she engages in risky behavior like sexting.”
Was she sexting, then, or was she submitting for a contest? Jordat and his self-described second-in-command, Programming Director Ginette Javier, gave several answers to this one.
“She submitted the photo to Hooter Hottie,” Jordat said, later changing his answer and saying she submitted the photo for programming in general. “It probably was with hopes of being on Hooter Hottie.”
Later, he said he has no idea why she submitted the photo, but not before saying “she submitted it because she wanted to be involved with one of the projects at OwlTV” and “she wanted to be a model for OwlTV — she became a model for OwlTV.” Then Jordat suddenly claimed he didn’t even know the picture was of her, something he hadn’t mentioned until our talk on March 3. And, he claimed, no one can prove it was her.
Except, of course, she can. And she did. And so did someone else that tipped me to reach out to her .
“I know who’s claiming the picture. I’m not a hundred percent sure that’s her,” he said. “That to me, resembled a stock photo.” Jordat did later admit that the sender said it was her in the photo.

Ginette Javier agreed that the girl sexted Jordat, then said it was also an application for Hooter Hottie, explaining that “you can do both.”
Yeah, that’s what she said.
Second, Goldstein said, there’s something called “commercial misappropriation of image.” The tweet accuses the girl in the photo of sexting. If she didn’t, it’s a libelous tweet. If her identity couldn’t be revealed, the subject is debatable. But it was obviously revealed.
Third, there’s an intellectual property issue, according to Goldstein. When Jordat claims, like he told me, that when OwlTV holds a contest and gets submissions, “we can do whatever we want, whenever we want to do it” is simply not true, said Goldstein, unless someone signs their rights to a photo away in a release or disclosure. Until then, the picture belongs to the person who took it on her phone, in this case the girl. She owns it, said Goldstein.
“That OwlTV seems incredibly confused about the purpose of the submission doesn’t confer any greater license to them,” Goldstein said about the implied agreement between the girl and OwlTV when she submitted her photo. “The fact that OwlTV doesn’t seem to be clear on the scope of this license is itself evidence that it hasn’t got one that covers the activity.”
Finally, the tweets may have entered the realm of Title IX, or sexual harassment, according to Goldstein. It’s defined as something that “denies or limits on the basis of sex of students to participate in or receive services or opportunities.” That’s fancy talk for saying someone’s gender may be held against them.
In this case, it means that the girl is likely not to participate in any OwlTV programming in the future.
“If instead of OwlTV, the girl had submitted her photo to the track team to prove she was in shape and wanted to run track, and the coach had tweeted the photo to everyone and said, ‘look at the bad life choices this girl makes,’ would she have felt free to try out for the team in the future?” Goldstein explained.
But there’s a problem. According to both Jordat and the girl, the conversations that took place about what the photo was for and how it would be used were verbal, and therefore Jordat’s word against her word. So we can’t know for sure.
But here’s the kicker: it doesn’t matter that we don’t know.
If the girl is telling the truth and submitted the photo for Jordat’s sole viewing pleasure and consideration, then FAU OwlTV has no right to use that image to promote a show.
If Jordat is telling the truth and the picture was submitted for Hooter Hottie (or “programming,”) then it wasn’t sexting and can’t be represented as such.
“If the photo depicts sexting, the license was for personal use and they didn’t get a license to cover any public use, let alone commercial use in the promotional tweets,” Goldstein said. “If the photo depicts a contest entry, they’re falsely accusing the girl of sexting, which could make people think less of her. Either way, a media outlet should not be this confused about basic privacy and intellectual property issues.”
I’d call it a lose-lose situation. But now that the legal jargon is behind us, it’s time to find out what’s been done to try to fix this problem — which is nothing.
The girl in the photo sent the email I mentioned above on Feb. 18, a Saturday. That Monday, Associate Dean Terry Mena and Director of Student Media Michael Gaede sat down to talk to her. The conversation is protected under a privacy law called FERPA, according to Mena, and so is the resulting action.
Mena did, however, confirm that the tweet was a “promotional item that was used to market an event that was put on by FAU OwlTV.”
He continued to say that Student Affairs is in conversations with the director of student media and the station manager, but refused to provide details since this involves a personnel matter. Then he refused to say if Student Affairs has taken any action. Then he refused to say if he’s investigated the tweet or not because it’s a student issue and he didn’t want to violate a student’s privacy. Then he refused to say if he knew if the tweets violated any laws.
Yeah, that’s what he said.
Well, I got more out of the director of student media. He said that there had been “a lot of meetings.” By that he specifically meant two or three short conversations he had with Student Body President Ayden Maher.
Maher said he’d take disciplinary action, Gaede said. Maher, you see, appointed Jordat in the fall after an elected station manager had quit.
“From what I understood, it was going to be a letter of warning,” Gaede said, adding that he hadn’t had a chance to follow up on it.
According to Gaede, Mena said that this was a “director-level” issue, and advised Gaede to talk to Maher in order to resolve it. But then Gaede offered this surprising nugget of insight.
“It depends, too, on what the level of the audience was,” he said about the fact that not too many people saw the tweet. “It doesn’t mean that the issue shouldn’t be explored, but at this level we’re kind of — I really haven’t given it the attention I think it should have gotten, but there’s nine million other things going on.”
Gaede said that both the girl and Jordat are both right and wrong. Other than speaking to a lawyer friend, though, Gaede admitted he hadn’t consulted anyone else.
“If they had put her name on there, that’s serious,” he said. “I’m not sure there is a hard-cut answer here. Ethically, I think it’s questionable. Legally, I haven’t found any problem with it.”
Goldstein said that Gaede’s reasoning doesn’t cut it.
“Arguing that someone isn’t identifiable after people have identified her, found her and interviewed her is a pretty weak defense,” he said. “It sounds like the identification was confirmed by OwlTV, too, since they want to debate what kind of license she gave them.”
Gaede later wrote in an email that his role is advisory and as such he tries to stay away from censoring students. You know, because getting a station manager to remove a sexually explicit and legally questionable marketing tweet is censorship.
The student body president had little to say. He said he hadn’t written a letter yet, refused to comment on when he’d be writing one or what it’d say. Finally, he said that the tweet is “okay,” and can stay up.
OwlTV, however, did do something. After I tweeted about this photo on @FauxStdntMedia (which used to be @FAUStudentMedia) and a tweeting bout began, the station held a meeting for all staff and volunteers.
OwlTV management asked students if the tweet was okay or not and if it should be removed. According to Javier, it was a split decision. So an “executive board,” comprising Jordat, Javier and a third girl who they refused to identify, got together. The board reviewed the “pros and cons” of the tweet and ultimately decided to leave it up “in the best interest of the studio,” Javier said. She refused to say why it was in the station’s best interest.
But she said she knows that the tweet couldn’t result in “legal action” because she had spoken to a media lawyer that she refused to identify. Jordat, too, said he had done research. He said he spoke to a student at the University of South Florida’s media department, but couldn’t remember the student’s position.
Challenge for journalism
I’ve been wrestling with this for a few weeks now. I even asked Goldstein about the ethics of my participation in this whole ordeal, walking the fence between journalism and activism. He assured me, saying that in his opinion, a journalist should not report on hardships and then ignore them.
So, Jordat, here’s my challenge to you. I’ll call it a Challenge for Journalism:
Remove the tweet immediately. Then, right after that, resign your post immediately.
You have no more commitment to ethical practices than does a rock. I know you’re signed up to attend a journalism convention in New York City soon, and your stay will cost FAU students hundreds of dollars. You shouldn’t go. You shouldn’t waste student fees.
The director of student media should quickly assemble a selection committee to recommend a new station manager as your replacement. There should be considerable emphasis on journalistic and ethical practice during the interviews.
While the committee is being assembled, OwlTV should hold a seminar on journalistic practice in television and media with particular attention to the use of submitted images and content. I suggest you bring in professionals to lead the seminar.
Most importantly, explain to your staff where you have erred, both in the February tweets, and in your response to criticism about them.
It is them, not me, who should be making this challenge in the first place. For the sake of OwlTV, for the sake of the volunteers there, for the sake of FAU’s student media, and indeed for the sake of FAU.
There’s little worse than a thin-skinned journalist. If you had put the photo up, gotten flak and taken it down with an apology, this would all just be a funny tweet. But your continued refusal to do anything about it, your obvious lack of personal accountability, your lack of hard research — it’s all astoundingly irresponsible.
A person who’s used this photo the way you did and reacted to the press the way you did should not be in a position of authority over students who have a desire to learn the trade.
You will lead them astray, as you’ve tragically led yourself.
Jack Bauer • Mar 29, 2012 at 3:56 pm
Grudo’s girlfriend in lingerie > Me
OWLTV SUPPORTER • Mar 17, 2012 at 11:41 am
AJ you did nothing wrong and the UP is little more than a tabloid trying to start problems. I say that all clubs and student organizations boycott the UP and DO NOT give them any more stories, interviews, or propaganda for them to spew. The UP is the worst student media I have ever seen and I hope we can replace it with something better… Maybe OWLPress?
Jenny Fromdabloc • Mar 12, 2012 at 4:54 pm
Boy, this whiny little feud sure makes the UP and FAU look super professional! Great going guys, thanks for bringing more legitimacy to our school! Keep up the professional work!
Oink • Mar 8, 2012 at 6:47 pm
Grudo looks like a kid touched in that pic of himself
fatowl • Mar 8, 2012 at 9:32 am
This is a “top story” for the School News Paper… what a joke the univeristy press has become. Why don’t you go find some actually news instead of making yourself look like total D-bags…. get a life grudo.
ugh • Mar 7, 2012 at 9:20 pm
I for one speak on behalf of a lot of FAU students when I say that you should stop fighting with each other. It’s really boring, and I would expect people of both of your positions to have more maturity than embarrassing FAU’s media department with your endless bickering.
Brittany Spears • Mar 7, 2012 at 6:59 pm
stop writing these articles, they make owl TV and UP volunteers have a bad name. People could care less about the grudges you both have with each other!!!!! you, both should quit and stop making FAU look so bad. Seriously both of you are part of media outlets you guys should be working together not against each other.
The tweet should be taken off the owl TV twitter profile and there should not be any more discussion about it.
The girl is a complete idiot to have sent AJ a text of herself knowing how AJ is and UP needs to stop writing about how unethical Owl TV is because this has nothing to do with Owl TV!!!!!
Instead of bashing each other why don’t you worry about making FAU media a better media outlet for yourselves and volunteers who want to learn
Dori Zinn • Mar 7, 2012 at 3:36 pm
As a convention assistant, I’d advise you to check out the NYC12 [free] mobile app in your app store as well as the entire section on their website dedicated to the ethics sessions: http://nyc12.com/schedule/ethics/
AJ Jordat • Mar 6, 2012 at 5:41 pm
This article nearly put me to sleep. In fact, I would have undoubtedly passed out had this story not been about me…
Yeah, that’s what I said.
Lets face it Gideon; you’re a jealous “scumbag” journalist who’s mad at my genius. Mad because you didn’t get OwlTV to become UPTV (as you had once held as a pipe dream). Mad because OwlTV went from being the smallest student-media outlet to the largest media outlet at FAU under my watch. Mad because I pulled off another crazy stunt and used the University Press as a pawn to promote OwlTV’s new show (Thanks for all the FREE publicity). And, mad because a female with which you have an “underlying relationship” with was texting and/or submitting risque photos of herself.
But perhaps the reason why you’re most upset is because you’re writing opinion columns instead of real news.
Yeah, that’s what I said.
As for the unlawful behavior, bring it. I’ve consulted with legal minds and attorneys on my end, and I’m confident that I’ve done nothing “lawfully” wrong. In fact, I already knew that before the now-famous tweet heard around FAU was posted. What’s more? I knew that when I sent out that tweet that you’d be all over it. Knowing this allowed me to set up a cost/benefit model on which to weigh my “marketing strategies.” And, as expected I was able to use this stunt as an effective campaign to promote “Sex & The University.” So again, thank you.
Unfortunately, I wonder if all these headaches are even worth it to get free advertising out of a publication that has nearly zero readership.
Yeah, that’s what I said.
As for your challenge. Why on earth would I accept your challenge when you were a coward and declined my “Challenge for Charity” request to raise money for less fortunate children? You can suck my… left toe. And, as far as the CMA trip goes, face it, I’m not going on any journalism conference, I’m going to New York on a MEDIA conference. In case you’ve been living under a rock, media encompasses a lot more than journalism and hard news. Media also includes television which is primarily focused on entertainment. And if entertainment is the name of the game, I’m on top of my game and doing a damn good job at it. Love me or hate me; you’re all talking about me… Now that’s entertainment! Furthermore, aside from you and your peons at the University Press, people aren’t having much of an issue with these tweets. Besides, I’m not only going to the CMA to learn how to be a journalist, I’m going to expand my knowledge of new media and TV production.
But perhaps the real reason you wish I’d just stay home is so that I don’t have the opportunity to embarrass your yellow-journalism newspaper colleges or expose your former esteemed advisor like I did at the Orlando conference after he falsely represented himself as an advisor at FAU after having been fired for nearly a year.
Yeah, that’s what I said.
All in all, I wish you the best. I respond to these silly articles just so that I can get my side of the story out there. After all, we already know the UP isn’t going to give you the fair and balanced story. Also, in my non-journalistic professional opinion, you’ve got a long way to go before you are writing serious news pieces if this is the best you can do.
And lastly, I’ll see you in New York… We’ll be back in my hometown, and if you want, I’ll show you some good spots around the city. Even though I think you’re a spineless, muckraking, yellow-bellied yellow journalist. Of course, these are all things you know because I told them to your face while you hide behind pen and paper.
You’re my favorite coward…
Yeah, that’s what I said.
Gideon Grudo • Mar 6, 2012 at 8:38 pm
Alright Jordat,
1. I’m glad you’ve consulted with “legal minds and attorneys,” but did they specifically comment on the laws I mentioned and how you may have violated them? If so, let’s hear it.
2. I never had a relationship with the girl, nor seen her in lingerie until I saw your tweet. BUT, even if I was engaged to her, it doesn’t really change the facts, namely under “Unlawful Behavior.”
3. You’re right that NYC is a media convention and that media encompasses more than journalism. But all media should strive to be ethical. It’s not like whoever’s leading a session about video production says “Hey guys, since we’re going to be editing raw footage and making clips, we can be unethical and sleazy.”
4. Your Challenge for Charity was a challenge to fight me. No thanks. I’d rather stay your “favorite coward.”
AJ Jordat • Mar 7, 2012 at 12:31 am
Yes, I have asked about those specific laws… They laugh and tell me those SPLC lawyers are just telling you A: what you want to hear B: are reaching for claims that won’t be sustained in a court of law and C: only have the facts according to Gideon Grudo…
And yes, it does matter that you have had a relationship with this girl because that makes your writing bias… In fact, it may even make your writing about this issue, unethical. If nothing else, certainly not credible. And besides, why suddenly deny your relationship with the alleged girl in the photograph. You just told me the other day on the phone that you two were “just friends.” And, last time I checked, friendships constitue a relationship.
As far as the CMANYC conference goes, I’ll see what sessions are available on ethics. Maybe it’d be fun if we attended one or two together.
Finally, in regards to “Challenge for Charity” don’t pussyfoot around it. Please don’t be a pansy and act like I was coming after you. Boxing challenges for charity are nothing new. Several organizations as well as corporations hold them as annual fundraisers. We had a nice chunk of money set aside to donate to charity and this event, but you backed out. Next time you see an underprivileged child starving in the streets, just remember. You could have done something to help; you were just too big a chicken. But don’t worry, I’ve got a brand new idea…. I will donate money to charity (out of my own pocket) for every advertiser who drops their ad with the UP and advertises with OwlTV
Go ahead and let me know how long you want to keep this pissing match going.