Students’ social media show thoughts on Trump’s win

The 2016 election left many surprised, with social media platforms seeing mixed opinions.

Signs in support of Hillary Clinton remain on a palm tree near the Wimberly Library on Wednesday. Ryan Lynch | Editor in Chief

Tucker Berardi, Features Editor


The University Press administered a Twitter poll on Nov. 8 — hours before the election results began coming in  — asking students which candidate they believed would be the next president.

Thirty-four FAU students answered, with 56 percent believing that Hillary Clinton would win the election compared to 44 percent predicting that Donald Trump would win.

The majority of pre-emptive polls — including The Telegraph and The New York Times — had Clinton in good standing to win. Trump won however, leaving some of the nation shocked by the result.

“I honestly didn’t think Trump would win,” Brandon Walker, chairman of the FAU College Republicans said. “I was being optimistic, but I consider myself a realist. I thought Trump would get the popular vote and Clinton would get the electoral vote.”

Walker described a similar surprise among students — the majority of whom were Clinton-hopeful Democrats — who attended an election watch party at The Burrow.

“[In The Burrow] you could see emotions ran high for both sides,” Walker said. “At the beginning, there was a giant turnout of Democrats and only a few of us. As Trump won Florida and Ohio, the Democrats cleared the room and the tables turned in our favor. We were all surprised.”

Students took to social media after Trump was announced as the winner. While some students disagreed with the results, the majority of student responses on social media following the election were praise for the new president.

“The next president of the United States will be Donald J. Trump,” Walker posted on Facebook last night as well. “We did it. Every single one of you who went out and voted, helped on a campaign, or waved a sign in support of our candidate took part in this win. This is not to mention the fact that we have the majority of the house AND the senate. It’s time to get things done. It’s time to drain the swamp that is Washington D.C. and make America great again.”

While Walker congratulated Trump on Facebook, Morass_tara posted on Twitter, “Only thing worse than this election is the parking at FAU.”

Kevin Cook, former House parliamentarian at FAU posted his support for the president-elect on Nov. 9 on Facebook.

“It is very wise and important to stick together as a country in unity rather than to remain divided where nothing gets accomplished,” he said. “That’s one of the most important features of democracy: working together towards a common goal. Congratulations to President Trump for a successful campaign, and good luck to him and his administration to serving our country for the next 4 years.”

FAU students weren’t the only ones who took to social media to express their opinion on Trump’s win.

“So you telling me all the college students at the UF, FSU, EWC, BCC, JU, UCF, USF, UNF, FAU, FAMU, DSU all yall mufuckers in college aint come out and vote like yall did for Obama,” Junior Delice, a student at Miami Dade College, posted on Facebook. “Yall make me sick… gtfoh (sic).”

Boca Raton Twitter user yogabiegab posted, “What we have learned from election 2016 is number one THAT IN AMERICA YOU CAN BUY YOUR PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION without political experience.”

While some students are still coping with the results, others, like Walker, are excited to see what Trump has in store for the country.

“I think it is a giant victory,” Walker said. “I think it says a lot about the American people.”

Tucker Berardi is the features editor of the University Press. For information regarding this or other stories, email [email protected] or tweet him @tucker_berardi.