House of Representatives consider legislation to protect ducks

A new agreement looks to place signs around campus to alert drivers to their presence.

Four types of ducks, mottled, wood, Egyptian goose, and Muscovy duck live on the Boca campus. Andre Gore | Contributing Writer

Benjamin Paley, Distribution Manager

FAU senior Alexa Menashe takes most of her classes in the Social Sciences building, so she usually parks nearby. The three lakes by the building are packed with ducks that have to cross the parking lot to get from one lake to another.

She says that the muscovy ducks don’t notice they’re crossing a street and are unaware that a car could hit them.

“I unfortunately witnessed two duck fatalities from car accidents and wanted to prevent other ducks from being susceptible to the same harm,” Menashe said.

Following this, she approached Student Government with the idea of creating on-campus duck crossing signs. The senior added that she helped write a resolution with House of Representatives members to “hopefully make our environment more eco-friendly.”

The Boca House did their first reading of the resolution Friday titled “Supporting the Implementation of Duck Crossing Signs.”

Boca House speaker Marianne Alex co-sponsored the resolution, saying that this is an important issue for her.

Menashe worked with House members Kevin Buchanan and Bailey Jones to write the resolution.

The resolution will now go to the Campus Action Committee, which reviews legislation, reports to the House, and advocates student concerns, according to Student Government’s website.

If passed, the resolution will be sent to the university administration for implementation.

Benjamin Paley is the distribution manager of the University Press. For information regarding this or other stories, email [email protected].