FAU Ceramics department hosts ‘Empty Bowls’ fundraiser for charity

The ceramics department and the Ceramics Guild, a student organization for all things ceramics, teamed up to raise money for Caring Kitchen and Tri-County Animal Rescue.

Ceramics students made 555 bowls for this year’s Empty Bowls fundraiser. Photo by Marcy Wilder

Marcy Wilder, Staff Writer

For $10 on Wednesday, students were able to grab a handmade bowl and fill it with their choice of soups donated by local restaurants for two different charities.

FAU’s ceramics department hosted its annual fundraiser, Empty Bowls, for the homeless and the hungry in the Rotunda of the Social Science Building. Students, faculty, and alumni worked together to handcraft 555 bowls, the largest amount the event has made. 

“We are receiving donations for the Tri-County Animal Rescue and Caring Kitchen, so we are feeding both animals and people,” said Cristina Szyszko, president of the Ceramics Guild, a student organization that hosts ceramics workshops, lectures and exhibitions.

Students gathered near the Social Sciences building to participate in this year’s Empty Bowls fundraiser, which benefited Tri-County Animal Rescue and Caring Kitchen. Photo by Marcy Wilder

Ceramics professor Angela DiCosola said she began this event in the mid-‘90s with former faculty member John McCoy and former FAU student Bill Lennox. But when the event became too big for the Breezeway, it moved to the Rotunda of the Social Science building. 

According to DiCosola, Lennox had connections to Caring Kitchen, which is why they started the fundraiser with them getting the proceeds. Caring Kitchen is run by CROS Ministries, and gives hot meals to the homeless. 

Last year, Tri-County Animal Rescue was added to the fundraiser as well. In the past, the event has raised close to $3,000, but this year the organizations are hoping to sell every bowl, raising over $5,000. 

The soups and bread were donated by local restaurants.

Marcy Wilder is a staff writer for the University Press. For information regarding this or other stories, email mwilder2019@fau.edu.