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FAU suspends travel to China, South Korea due to coronavirus

FAU announced last week that they were suspending university-related travel to South Korea. FAU suspended travel to China on Feb. 4.

March 2, 2020

In response to novel coronavirus (COVID-19) spreading across the globe, Florida Atlantic University is placing university-related travel restrictions.

Last week, FAU announced via email they would suspend travel to South Korea — and suspended travel to China on Feb. 4. 

According to the update, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a Level 3 travel warning to South Korea, which says that all nonessential travel to South Korea should be avoided at this time. 

The travel advisory in China, according to the US State Department, remains a Level 4, or “Do Not Travel.” According to the CDC, COVID-19 is a strand of coronavirus that has never been seen before, and was first reported in Wuhan, China in December. 

FAU advised students in the warning to be weary of flu-like symptoms such as shortness of breath, fever or a cough as these appear to be the symptoms experienced by those who have tested positive for the virus. 

The Florida Department of Health announced Monday that the first two cases of coronavirus were officially confirmed in the Tampa Bay area. 

The announcement also describes some preventative measures students can take to avoid catching the lethal virus. These include washing your hands with soap for a minimum of 20 seconds, avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unclean hands, avoiding people who are sick, staying home if you are sick and disinfecting objects or surfaces before touching them.

The Miami Herald also reported that the three Department of Health labs in Miami, Jacksonville and Tampa can test for coronavirus as of Saturday. 

Students with health concerns should contact FAU Student Health Services at 561-297-3512. For further questions, students may also email FAU’s Office of Environmental Health and Safety at [email protected].

Check back with the UP for updates. 

Fallon Forrestel is a contributing writer for the University Press. For information regarding this or other stories, email [email protected].

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