President John Kelly addresses George Floyd protests, condemns violence

In his statement, Kelly emphasized that diversity and inclusion is a significant part of FAU and promotes peace.

FAU President John Kelly praises university’s police department in a statement released Monday. Photo taken by Ryan Lynch in 2016.

Zachary Weinberger, Sports Editor

FAU President John Kelly released a statement Monday regarding the recent death of George Floyd and the resulting protests that have swept across the nation. 


Kelly started off by emphasizing that diversity is a significant part of the university.


“Diversity and inclusion are part of Florida Atlantic University’s DNA. We all should be proud that FAU is one of the most culturally diverse universities in the country,” Kelly said. “For this reason, among many others, it can be difficult to make sense of the violence on the streets of America’s cities that is fueled by racism, ignorance and hate. Needless killings, like that of George Floyd in Minneapolis, can be particularly hard to fathom.”

Kelly emphasized that these issues should be addressed in a peaceful way, even italicizing “peaceful.”


“FAU condemns all acts of violence,” he said. “It is vital we come together in the face of ignorance and hate peacefully. As a center of higher learning, FAU is a place of dialogue and thought; a place where ideas are nurtured.”


He says that people shouldn’t lose sight as to what’s right, even through the middle of battling the COVID-19 pandemic, but by tackling these issues in a “respectful and considerate way.”


Kelly included resources at FAU in his statement that students can reach out to if they need “assistance during these or any other difficult times,” including contact information for the professionals at Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). 


He also includes the contact information for faculty and staff along with CAPS in the statement.


With the police at the forefront of the news as of late, President Kelly praised the university’s police department at the end of his statement. 


“FAU is very fortunate to be protected by a dedicated and considerate Police Department led by Chief Sean Brammer,” he said. “Through these efforts and others, FAU will continue to foster a safe and inclusive environment for students, faculty and staff regardless of race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, gender or sexual orientation.”

Zachary Weinberger is the sports editor of the University Press. For information regarding this or other stories, email or tweet him @ZachWeinberger.