Weekly COVID Update 9/10: 49 on-campus cases, DeSantis’ mask mandate ban to be lifted

Updates from Aug. 28 through Sept. 10 regarding COVID-19 at FAU, Palm Beach County, and Florida.

Illustration by Israel Fontoura.

Kendall Little, Managing Editor


There are currently 49 active COVID-19 cases across university campuses with 91.8% of cases reported on the Boca Raton campus. 

The cumulative number of on-campus cases for the fall semester is now 206. 87.4% of cases were reported on the Boca Raton campus and 7.8% were reported on the Jupiter campus.

The university’s vaccine incentive program, which offers students and faculty $150 to get vaccinated, is running until Oct. 31. 


Palm Beach County is averaging 984 COVID-19 cases per day as of Sept. 10 according to the New York Times.

55% of the county’s population is fully vaccinated.

According to the PBC Hospital Report, there are 71 new COVID-related admissions across the 14 hospitals in the county, bringing the total number of COVID admissions to 670 adults and 9 pediatrics. There are 46 available adult ICU beds and 11 available pediatric ICU beds. 


The state of Florida is averaging 14,276 new COVID cases per day, according to the New York Times. The average has decreased by 37% in the past two weeks.

Florida judge John Cooper ordered an immediate ban on Gov. Ron DeSantis’ mask mandate ban for public schools.

“We are not in normal times. We are in a pandemic. We have children that can’t be protected by vaccination,” Cooper said. “Children are at risk and they provide at least some protection by masking.”

Kendall Little is the Managing Editor for the University Press. For more information regarding this or other stories, email klittlewrites@gmail.com or tweet her @klittlewrites.