Editor’s Letter: Why should you care about the UP?

University Press is the only news outlet dedicated 100% to informing and protecting the FAU community.

Nicholas Windfelder

Savannah Peifer, Editor-In-Chief at the University Press

Savannah Peifer, Editor-In-Chief

The UP was formed on the basis of serving and protecting the FAU community. However, there still are questions as to why students and faculty should interact with UP. 

With a new semester beginning, I’ve decided to share the top reasons you should care about student media.

1.The UP is one of the only protected ways to hold the university accountable. 

Last semester the university denied us public records. We then took a stand and threatened to sue the university. At the time of publication, we are in another battle with the university, as they are trying to charge us $6,000 for records. 

If the university is willing to hide things from us, what are they willing to hide from you? 

As student journalists, we are protected from retaliation from the university. And So are you. 

When you speak to any member of the press you are automatically protected from retaliation from the university. Meaning, student media is the perfect opportunity to amplify your voice and show the universities wrongs. 

You may be what the UP needs to uncover what is truly happening. 

2.The UP creates jobs for students.

Regardless of your future endeavors, one of the best things you can do to strengthen your resume is to be published. UP is not only created for journalists. As editor-in-chief I am not a journalism major, but political science. 

UP allows you to choose what you write about. Want to be a future lawyer? Write about law. Want to be a doctor? Focus on the medical aspect of student life. We even have job opportunities for graphic designers, photographers, and more. 

If you are not in a paid position, UP writers often interact with professors, administration, Student Government representatives, and more. This allows you to build connections and relationships, which is one of the most important aspects of going into the world after graduation. 

3.The UP wants to highlight your success.

When you do something extraordinary, the UP wants to spotlight that success. 

Whether it be student research, a student organization event, or something else you’ve done with FAU, you can contact the UP. Sharing your success with us is another fantastic way to set yourself up for success once you leave FAU. Not only that, it’s an amazing way to celebrate your achievement. 

Without your interaction and input, the UP cannot serve the FAU community how it is meant to. If you want to get involved or have story tips, contact us through email at universitypress@gmail.com or contact a staff member directly. 

Editor’s note: This story is in the UP’s latest issue that can be found on the physically distribution boxes around campus or digitally through our Issuu page.

Savannah Peifer is the editor-in-chief for the University Press. For more information regarding this or other stories DM her on instagram @ginger.savvy or email her at savannahpeifer22@gmail.com.