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Florida Atlantic University's first student-run news source.


Florida Atlantic University's first student-run news source.


2024 U.S. Presidential Election

The 2024 U.S. presidential race is underway, with election day on Nov. 5. Here are all articles related to the presidential election. Updated frequently.

‘Dorm Storm’: People Power of Florida hits FAU to help students register to vote – August 15, 2024

On August 14, People Power for Florida (PPFF), an organization founded by Democratic Florida House Representative Anna V. Eskamani of District 42, hosted its fourth “Dorm Storm” campaign in front of Florida Atlantic University’s Heritage Park Towers while students were moving in.

This campaign is a yearly effort that aims to get students across multiple Florida university campuses registered to vote before Oct. 7, according to the PPFF’s Communications Director Allison Minnerly. She notes that 50 FAU students registered to vote or updated their address during the “Dorm Storm” event.

“The main objective is to help students update their voter registration to make sure that they are ready to vote at their campus address, but also to make sure these new students that might be new to the state of Florida, or that may have recently turned 18, are registered and ready to vote in the upcoming election,” Minnerly said.