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Florida Atlantic University's first student-run news source.


Florida Atlantic University's first student-run news source.


Florida Atlantic University's first student-run news source.


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About Us

An award-winning student publication based out of Boca Raton, the University Press circulates to more than 30,000 students across three campuses in the Broward and Palm Beach counties.

As a fully student-run and operated news organization, Florida Atlantic University staff has no control over any of the content published by the University Press. Students are entirely responsible for every aspect of the organization which includes reporting, editing, design, and more.

Aside from printing twice every spring and fall semesters, the UP operates its daily website,, and is heavily present on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Students who join can find themselves in design, photography, copy editing, reporting, and just about anything else the publication needs. There is also a business division where students handle money matters, including advertising inquiries and budgeting.

How to join the University Press staff?

Step 1

Fill out our application HERE. There are no requirements to join except for a flexible schedule and passion for storytelling. After filling out your application, an editor will be in touch shortly.

Step 2

Show up to our Monday meetings. Our general staff meeting is at 2-3 p.m., every Monday in Student Union room 214. Meet the team in person and get started on some assignments. Most meetings are not mandatory, however we strongly encourage you to come. Someone is usually in the newsroom, so feel free to stop by at any time!

Where you’ll start

When you first begin reporting for the UP, you will be considered a Contributing Writer. After you’ve had four bylines, you will then be a Staff Writer. Contributing and Staff Writers do not get paid.

Editorial staff (editor-in-chief, managing editor, sports/news/student life editors, etc.) is chosen every semester by the individual(s) running for editor-in-chief. These positions are paid bi-weekly.

For any questions, shoot us a message here or send an email to Someone in our editorial staff will reply shortly.

Comments, concerns, complaints and corrections

Sofia De La Espriella, Editor-in-Chief


Call: (561) 297 – 2960


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